Liliya Bogachevska

PhD in Philology,

Associate Professor




ProfileCourses TaughtPublicationsContacts

Position: Associate Professor of the Department of English Philology


Scientific interests: comparative literature, literary studies, translation studies, methods of teaching English.

Educational Background:

1993 – graduated from school-lyceum No. 23 of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University.

1993-1998 – studied at the Faculty of Roman-Germanic Philology of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University.

1999-2005 – studied at the postgraduate school of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University.

2007 – defended the candidate’s thesis prepared under the supervision of Professor Volodymyr Hryhorovych Matviiishin, Ph.D., on the topic: “Charles Dickens and Ukrainian literature: reception and typology” in the specialty “comparative literary studies” 10.01.05 (in the specialized academic council -K58. 053.02 Volodymyr Hnatiuk Ternopil National Pedagogical University).

Professional Training:

  • training at the Department of Philology and Translation of Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas from (03.15.2018 – 04.20.2018).
  • training: “Training for the teaching staff of PNU: Implementation of the best European practices in educational processes (29.05.2019 – 31.05.2019) (MoPED project; 30-hour program).
  • course on the Coursera platform: “Business English: Network”. University of Washington. (15.09.2020 – 05.10.2020).
  • training: “Nobel Course: New Knowledge, Ideas, Experience, Values, Competences”. Nobel Laureates: Studying Experience and Professional Achievements for the Formation of a Successful Personality and Transformation of the Surrounding World. International Historical Biographical Institute (Dubai – New York – Rome – Jerusalem – Beijing) (December 3, 2021 – January 20, 2022).

  Additional Information:

  • Received the academic title of associate professor in 2011 (associate professor certificate 12DC No. 028454).
  • Three times was appointed the second official opponent for the research papers in comparative literature studies:
  1. D. Oliynyk “Ukrainian translations of Rudyard Kipling’s collection “Just so stories”: reception, interpretation, evaluation” (Ternopil, 2009);
  2. L. Lototska “Novelistics of O. Henry and Ukrainian literature: reception and typology” (Kyiv, 2009);
  3. V. Dudar, “Genre originality of the socio-psychological novels “Richynsky Sisters” by Iryna Wilde and “Oplot” by Theodor Dreiser: a comparative aspect (Ternopil, 2011).

Practical course of English as the main foreign language (4th year)

Practical course of English as the second foreign language (4th year)

             Author of 33 publications (24 scientific articles; 9 conference theses) and 12 educational and methodological manuals.

  • Bogachevska L.O. Typological comparative analysis of the satirical image in the literary works of Charles Dickens and Les Martovych. Southern archive. Philological sciences: Collection of scientific works. Kharkiv: KhSU, 2018. Issue LXVI. P.188-193.
  • Bogachevska L.O. Peculiarities of urban and time-space characteristics in the novels “The Adventures of Oliver Twist” and “Dombey and Son” by Ch. Dickens. Scientific Bulletin of International Humanitarian University. Series: Philology, 2019. Issue no. 37. P. 98-102.
  • Bogachevska L.O. Typological features of the artistic embodiment of the phenomenon of “gifted personality” in the novel “David Copperfield” by Ch. Dickens and the short story “The Artist” by T.Shevchenko. Ivano-Frankivsk: NTSh. Word. Ivano-Frankivsk, 2019. Issue 3(55). P. 29-37.
  • Bogachevska L.O. Poetic features of the artistic embodiment of the image of the “city” in the novels “The Adventures of Oliver Twist” by Ch. Dickens and “Boryslav Smiietsya” by I. Franko. Bulletin of Zaporizhzhya National University. Philological sciences. Zaporizhzhya, 2020. Issue 1, P. 83-90.
  • Bogachevska L.O. Melodramatic characteristics of female images and their fate in the Ukrainian and English prose (G. Kvitka-Osnovianenko “Marusya” and C. Dickens “Domby and Son” in comparative and typological aspect). Scientific Bulletin of the International Humanitarian University. Series: Philology. Odesa, 2021. Issue 47. P.182-186.
  • Bogachevska L.O. Preparation for the international language exam as a component of the globalization of education (TOEFL, its structure and practical recommendations). Transcarpathian Philological Studies. Uzhhorod, 2022. Issue 21. P.107-112.
  • Bogachevska L.O. Typological comparative analysis of the satirical image in Ch.Dickens and Les Martovych Literary Works // Science and technology today: priority directions of development of Ukraine and Poland. Zygmunt Gloger University of International and October Cooperation (19–20 2018). Volomin, 2018. P. 21-23.
  • Bogachevska L.O. Passing the TOEFL exam is a great chance to get a foreign education (practical recommendations for writing). International scientific and practical conference: teaching foreign languages ​​in Ukraine and abroad: experience and challenges (March 21-22, 2019). Ivano-Frankivsk, 2019.
  • Bogachevska L.O. TOEFL exam as a step in studying abroad (practical recommendation on listening section). International scientific and practical conference: modern scientific research of representatives of philological sciences and their influence on the development of language and literature (April 10-11, 2020). Lviv, 2020. P.106-110.
  • Bogachevska L.O. Great choice of International English Exams to satisfy different professional needs of young people. Achievements of applied and fundamental sciences of the XXI century (November 5, 2021). Rivne, 2021. P.36-38.
  • Bogachevska L.O. Developing of the communication skills in order to go through academic exam (speaking as an important part of TOEFL exam). Language and literature in a multicultural space: Materials of the international scientific and practical conference (February 11–12, 2022). Lviv: NGO “Scientific Philological Organization “LOGOS”, 2022. P.71-73
  • Богачевська Л.О. Passing of IELTS and Preparation for its Speaking Section as Initial Stage of Students’ Integration in Global Higher Education Area. Закарпатські філологічні студії. Ужгород, 2023. Вип. 26. Том 1. С.87-92.
  • Богачевська Л.О. Fluency, Coherence, Cohesion as Essential Aspects in Developing Speaking Skills in IELTS Preparation. Scientific Researches and Methods of their Carrying Out: World Experience and Domestic Realities. (17 лютого 2023). Вінниця – Відень: “Грааль науки”, 2023. С.487-488
  • Bogachevska L. Semak O. Worldwide Organizations. Ivano-Frankivsk: Prosvita, 2017. 50 p.
  • Bogachevska L. Semak O. The way to communicate in English. Ivano-Frankivsk: Prosvita, 2017. 100 p.
  • Bogachevska L. Semak O. Business English. Ivano-Frankivsk: Prosvita, 2018. 128 p.
  • Bogachevska L. Semak O. People Who Changed the World. Ivano-Frankivsk, 2021. 42 p.
  • Bogachevska L. Semak O. Preparation for the International Exam, Its Structure and Practical Tasks. Ivano-Frankivsk, 2022. 54 p.