Teachers of the English Philology Department participated in a series of online lectures given by professor of University College Roosevelt, Utrecht University, the Netherlands.

Teachers of the English Philology Department participated in a series of online lectures given by professor of University College Roosevelt, Utrecht University, the Netherlands. The lectures focus on the issues of style, language and cognition in children’s literature. The first Читати далі

Teachers and students of the Foreign Language Department participated in the online-lecture “Rules of working with information in wartime” by Olena Taranenko

Teachers of the English Philology Department (Yakiv Bystrov, Diana Sabadash, Iryna Malyshivska, Tanya Marchuk, Natalia Goshylyk and Volodymyr Goshylyk) and students of the Faculty of Foreign Languages participated in the online-lecture “Rules of working with information in wartime”, given by Читати далі

Students of the group СОА-36 of the Faculty of Foreign Languages attended the presentation of Askold Lozynskyj’s book “Ukraine in the Modern World” in the framework of the project “MEETINGS WITH THE OUTSTANDING PERSONALITIES OF THE WORLD”

On December 1, students of the group СОА-36 (tutor – Diana Sabadash) attended the presentation of the book of essays “Ukraine in the modern world” by the President of the World Congress of Ukrainians Askold Lozynskyj. The texts presented in Читати далі