The Second (Regional) Round of All-Ukrainian Contest-Defense of Scientific Research Papers

On the 26th of March, 2022, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University held the second (regional) round of all-Ukrainian contest-defense of scientific research papers presented by the pupils-members of Junior Academy of Sciences in Ukraine. The jury of “English language” section was headed by Ya. V. Bystrov, professor of English Philology department, and included associate professors O.Ya. Doichyk and I.M. Dumchak. The research papers, which seven pupils presented for the online contest, were of high topicalily and scientific novelty. The defense procedure included three components: the blind reviews of the research papers, the presentation of posters, and the scientific conference. The winners of the contest are: Danyliuk Alina, an 11th-grade pupil of Kolomyia Lyceum named by M.Hrushevsky (the first place), Patsai Iryna, a 9th-grade pupil of Kolomyia Lyceum named by M.Hrushevsky (the second place), Kachan Sofiya, an 11th-grade pupil of Dolyna Lyceum # 6 “European” (the third place), and Kinash Anna a 10th-grade pupil of Kalush Lyceum # 2 (the third place). We kindly invite the pupils of lyceums to join our big family at the Foreign Languages Faculty and become the students of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University!