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Associate Professor |
Associate Professor of the English Philology Department
Personal Data:
Date of birth: 29 June 1987
Place of birth: Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine Citizenship: Ukrainian
Marital Status: married since 2012 to Vasyl Marchuk
Children: Khrystyna Marchuk (date of birth – 09 September 2013), Oksana Marchuk (date of birth – 09 September 2015)
2010-2017 – post-graduate student at Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Specialty 10.01.05 – comparative literature
2004-2009 – student of the Foreign Languages Faculty at Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Specialty – “Language and Literature (English)”
Scientific Degrees:
Associate Professor of the English Philology Department PhD in Philology (Diploma, 2022)
PhD in Philology, 2017, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Ukraine (thesis “The Typology and Poetics of Drama Works by Mykola Kulish and Eugene O’Neill”)
Master of Philology (Diploma with Honors), Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian University, 2009, Qualification – “Philologist, Instructor of the English Language and Foreign Literature”
Social Activity:
TESOL – Ukraine (member since 2020)
NGO “Sustainable Development Landmarks” (since 2019)NGO “Centre for Communication Research” (member since 2018)
NGO “Sustainable Development Landmarks” (since 2019)
The All-Ukrainian Association of Teachers of Foreign Languages (since 2018)
English Philology Department, Foreign Languages Faculty, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University
Associate Professor, September 2020 – present
English Instructor, September 2017 – August 2020
Research Interests:
ESL Methods, Critical Thinking, Information Literacy, Translation Studies, Comparative Literature Studies, Academic Integrity.
Scientific and Professional Training:
- Compassionate ELT: Voices of Reselience and Diversity in a Time of War, Lviv, May 24-26 2024;
- Erasmus+ Teaching Assignment under the project KA171-2022, Academic Year 2023/2024, Akademia im. Yakuba z Paradyza w Gorzowie Wielkopolskim;
- Preparing the Next Generation of Ukrainian English Teachers: What We Have Learned and Looking Ahead, Kyiv, July 19-20, 2023;
- “Rebuilding Ukraine: People, Ideas, Technologies, and Resources”, the Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies (AIAS), Aarhus University, Denmark.
- The 1st Virtual International Conference on Sustainable Development SDL 2021 April 23-25, 2021;
- The 6th International Virtual Symposium: Media and Digital Literacy in Language Education Alecu Russo Bălți State University, Republic of Moldova. September, 18 – 19, 2020;
- The project “English for Media Literacy – Infomedia literacy in English classes” implemented by the Department of English Philology and the NGO “Center for Communication Research” with the grant support of the Council for International Research and Exchange IREX with the assistance of the Embassies of the United States and Great Britain in partnership with the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine and the Academy of the Ukrainian Press, 2021;
- The seminar “Academic integrity – the key to the successful development of science and the state” within the framework of the project “Transformation of Ukrainian society: the value of academic integrity” with the assistance of the International Research and Exchange Council IPEX, July 8, 2020;
- XI. Internationale virtuelle Konferenz der Ukrainistik Dialog der Sprachen – Dialog der Kulturen. Die Ukraine aus globaler Sicht. München 29. Oktober – 01. November 2020;
- Getting Started with Essay Writing an online course authorized by University of California, Irvine and offered through Coursera 04/26/2020;
- 5 weeks of blended learning for “Very Verified: A Course on Media Literacy” by the US Embassy, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and International Educational Organization IREX, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine, 2019;
- International Scientific Conference Contemporary Approaches to Linguistics and Foreign Language Didactics, Chişinău State Pedagogical University ‘Ion Creangă’, Republic of Moldova, 26th November 2019, Chişinău, Republica Moldova;
Languages: Ukrainian (native), English (C2), German (B2), Polish (B1).
Tetiana Marchuk is the author of more than 30 scientific publications in Ukrainian and foreign scientific journals.
Main and most recent publications:
1. Marchuk, T., Marionda, A. (2024). Physhologism in the construction of female images in the novel «Blackberry Winter” by S. Jio. Writings in Romance-Germanic Philology, 1(52), 91-102. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18524/2307-4604.2024.1(52).310313
2. Devdiuk, I., Marchuk, T. (2024). Topos of the road in the plays “People’s Malakhii” by Mykola Kulish and “Emperor Jones” by Eugene O’Neill. Philological Treatises, 16(2), 51–60. https://www.doi.org/10.21272/Ftrk.2024.16(2)-5
3. Kuravska N., Marchuk T., Mueller K., Sabadash D. (2024). EFL Class Communication Challenges from a Wartime Perspective. In Voices of Courage and Vulnerability. Teaching English in a Society at War (Ukraine 2022-2023) / Ed. by R. M. Senyshyn, A. E. Lypka. Florida: SSTESOL Press. 80-86/
4. Marchuk, T., Mintsys, E., & Sabadash, D. (2023). Using metaphors to foster learning in the wartime EFL classroom with elements of CLIL methodology. SEVIC 2023: Book of Abstracts of the 2nd Virtual International International Smart Conference on Sustainable Education (January 01, 2023 – December 31, 2023) / Ed. by Volodymyr Goshylyk. Ivano-Frankivsk, 29-33. ISBN 978-966-640-510-7.
5. Marchuk, T. (2023). Genre modifications of “the new drama” in European literature of the late XIX – beginning of the XX centuries. Folium, 2, 41-49 DOI: https://doi.org/10.32782/folium/2023.2.6
6. Marchuk, T., Mintsys, E. (2023). Linguopoetics and Thematics of English Song Lyrics. Folium 3, 111-116 https://doi.org/10.32782/folium/2023.3.16
7. Devdiuk, I., & Marchuk, T. (2023). P. Кulish and European literature critical reception of the interwar decades. Precarpathian bulletin of the Shevchenko scientific society Word, (18 (69)), 233-243.
8. Marchuk T., Devdiuk I., (2022). Ukrainian modernist drama in the European context. Forum for World Literature Studies, Vol 14, No.2, 343-356. https://www.fwls.org/Download/Archives/1007.html
9. Goshylyk, V., Goshylyk, N., Malushivska, I., Marchuk, T., Sabadash, D., Tykha U. (2021). Media Literacy Toolkit in the ELF Classroom. Ivano-Frankivsk: Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, 113p.
10. Marchuk, T., Tykha, U., (2021). Peculiarities of reproduction of emotional speech of the character in the novel “Extremely loud and incredibly close” by J.S. Foyer. Writings in Romance-Germanic Philology, Vol 1(46) 135 –149. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18524/2307-4604.2021.1(46).234402
11. Marchuk T., Lysak K. (2021). Linguistic and stylistic means of expressing the idiostyle of Marina Lewycka in the original and translation (based on the novel “A Short History of Tractors in Ukrainian”). Modern researches in foreign philology, Vol. 19, No. 1., 90-99. DOI: https://doi.org/10.32782/2617-3921.2021.19.90-98
12. Marchuk, T., Minsys, E., Tykha, U. (2020). Plot and composition features of the plays “Maklena Graca” by Mukola Kulish and “The Hairy Ape” by Eugene O’Neill. Dialog der Sprachen – Dialog der Kulturen Die Ukraine aus globaler Sicht Internationale virtuelle Konferenz der Ukrainistik, 305-311.
13. Marchuk, T. (2020). The Development of the American Drama in the late XIX – early XX century In PROBLEME ACTUALE ALE LINGVISTICII ŞI. – DIDACTICII LIMBILOR STRĂINE CONFERINŢA ŞTIINŢIFIC INTERNAŢIONALĂ. Chişinău.
14. Marchuk, T., Stefurak, M. (2020). Verbalization of the grafic elements in the novel “The Girl on the Train” by Paula Howkins. Humanities Science Current Issues: Interuniversity collection of Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University Young Scientists Research Papers, Issues 29, Volume 3, 21-27. DOI: https://doi.org/10.24919/2308-4863.3/29.209543
15. Marchuk, Т. Stekhnovych, М. (2018). Verbalization of the concept “American Dream” in the play “Anna Christie” by Eugene O’Neill. Precarpathian Bulletin of the Shevchenko Scientific Society Word, (4 (48)), 273-279.
16. Marchuk, T. (2018). The image of a fallen woman in the plays “Narodnyi Malakhii” by Mykola Kulish and “Anna Christie” by Eugene O’Neill. Sultanivski Chytannia Issue No. 7. https://journals.pnu.edu.ua/index.php/sch/article/view/2660
17. Tetiana Marchuk Ways of improving grammar competence in the EFL classroom. Teaching Foreign Languages in Ukraine and Beyond: Best Practices and Challenges: international conference proceedings (2019; Ivano-Frankivsk). International Conference “Teaching Foreign Languages in Ukraine and Beyond: Best Practices and Challenges,” March 21-22, 2019 / sci.org. com.: Ihor Tsependa [et al.]. Ivano-Frankivsk: NAIR, 2019. Pp. 132-133.
• “Translation and Literary Interaction” for MA students;
• “Grammar Aspects of Translation” for the 3rd year students;
• “Translation Studies” for the 3rd year students;
• “Practical Course of English” for the 3rd year students
• “Practical Course of English” for the 1st year students
• “Practical Grammar of the English Language” for the 1st year students
The scientific supervisor of students’ diploma projects and master’s theses
The supervision of students’ course papers
E-mail: tetiana.marchuk@pnu.edu.ua
Тел: +38 0342 596069
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