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Associate Professor |
Studied at the Roman-Germanic Philology Department of Chernivtsi State University (1969-1974). After graduating from the University in 1974 she started teaching English and Phonetics at the Foreign Languages Department of Ivano-Frankivsk Pedagogical Institute and worked at her Ph.D. thesis. She taught Practical Grammar, Translation Practice, Foreign Literature, English Literature and American Literature. Now she teaches Practical Course of English, Theory of Translation and Modern American Literature at the Department of Foreign Languages.
Professional development:
Ph. D. in Philology was conferred on her in March, 1988.
From 1989 till 1996 she held the post of the Head of the English Philology Department. In May, 1991 she became an associate professor. From 1996 till 2004 she worked as an associate professor at the English Philology Department.
From 2004 till 2007 she held the post of the Head of English Philology Department. Since 2007 she has been working as associate professor at the English Philology Department.
From 2010 till 2014 she worked at the joint intercultural project between the Jagiellonian University (Poland) and Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University: gave seminars at the Jagiellonian University and became a co-author of the book, «Developing Intercultural Competence through English: Focus on Ukrainian and Polish Cultures».
She completed a number of training courses. The latest venue was V. Hnatiuk Ternopil National Pedagogical University.
The total number of publications is 120 which includes 86 scientific articles and 34 manuals. Her sphere of scientific interest is Foreign Literature, genre and style in particular, though she also published articles on linguistic problems. Her joint authorship with fourth- and fifth- year students resulted in the publication of a number of articles on the problems of modern American, English, French and German Literatures. A number of her scientific articles were published in Scopus indexed and indexed in the ICI Journals.
Fields of Research: Foreign Literature, Theory of Translation
Scientific and Professional Training:
Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Republic of Poland, 2011
Ternopil National Pedagogical University named after Volodymyr Hnatiuk, Department of English Philology and Methods of Teaching English, Faculty of Foreign Languages, from March 1 to May 6, 2022, duration of 180 hours (6 credits), certificate No. 60-33, dated May 6, 2022.
Membership in Academic Communities:
Member of the All-Ukrainian Association of Foreign Language Teachers.
Awards and Honors:
Certificate of Appreciation from the Ivano-Frankivsk Regional State Administration and Ivano-Frankivsk Regional Council (2015)
Certificate of Appreciation from the Ivano-Frankivsk Regional State Administration and Ivano-Frankivsk Regional Council (2023)
Bystrov, N. Telegina. Polyphony of Toni Morrison`s A Mercy: The Fugal Form. Neophilologus, 104(2), 2020. P. 283-300.
https://doi.org/10.1007/s11061-019-09622-9 SCOPUS
Bystrov, Y., Telegina, N. ( 2023). Jazz Music and Intermedial References in Toni Morrison’s Love. Forum for Modern Language Studies. Oxford University Press. Volume 59, Pages 513-529. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/fmls/cqad052 SCOPUS
Telegina N. I., Kobylianska N. S. The Peculiarities of the Functioning of the Flashback Technique in Muriel Spark`s Novel «The Public Image». Scientific Notes of Taurida National V. I. Vernadsky University, series Philology. Volume 31(70). № 1. Part 3, 2020. P. 126-131. DOI: https://doi.org/10.32838/2663-6069/2020.1-3/22
Nataiya Telegina, Oksana Pasichnyk. The Peculiarities of Creating Women Psychological Portraits in Sidney Sheldon`s «The Other Side of Midnight»: Contrast Portrayal. Current Issues of the Humanities. Issue 31. Volume 2, 2020. P.265- 271. https://doi.org/10.24919/2308-4863.2/31.213990
Nataiya Telegina, Olha Mymokhod. Contrast as a Structural Component of the Literary Text Building in Irwin Shaw`s «Evening in Byzantium». Current Issues of the Humanities. Issue 28. Volume 4, 2020. P.32-38. https://doi.org/10.24919/2308-4863.4/28.208794
Nataiya Telegina, Nadia Radetska. The Chronotope of the Road in Toni Morrison`s Novel «A Mercy». Current Issues of the Humanities. Issue 32. Volume 2, 2020. P.123-129. DOI: https://doi.org/10.24919/2308-4863.2/32.214682
Telegina N.I., Kukharyk O.I. Leitmotif as an Essential Building Block in John Cheever’s Short Stories. Scientific notes of V. I. Vernadsky
Taurida National University, Series: "Philology. Journalism». Volume 32(71) № 1 2021. С. 292 – 297. https://doi.org/10.32838/2710-4656/2021.1-1/49
NataliyaTelegina. Historical Chronotope in Toni Morrison’s «A Mercy». Current Issues of the Humanities. Issue 47. Volume 2, 2020. P. 109 – 115. DOI: https://doi.org/10.24919/2308-4863/47-4-18
NataliyaTelegina, Nataliia Zelinska. Contrast as a Means of Providing Complex Psychological Characterization in the Process of Creating
Psychological Portraits in Irwin Shaw`s novel «Rich Man, Poor Man». Current Issues of the Humanities. Issue 52. Volume 3, 2022. P. 137 –
142. Issue 47. DOI: https://doi.org/10.24919/2308-4863/52-3-19
Telegina N., Melnychuk N. Historical Chronotope in John Fowles’s novel «The French Leutenant’s Woman». Current Issues of the Humanities. Issue 53. Volume 2, 2022. P. 190 – 196. DOI: https://doi.org/10.24919/2308-4863/53-2-28
NataliyaTelegina, Nataliia Zelinska. Epistolary Elements and Their Role in the Process of Creating Psychological Portraits in Irwin
Shaw`s novel «Rich Man, Poor Man». Folium. № 1, 2023. С. 69–75. DOI: https://doi.org/10.32782/folium/2023.1.10
NataliyaTelegina, Liliia Petriv. Strategies for Translating Metaphors in a Literary Text (Based on Iris Murdoch’s Novel «The Black Prince».
Folium.Special Issue.Odesa: Publishing House "Gelvenica", 2023. P. 150–156. DOI: https://doi.org/10.32782/folium/2023.3.22
Telegina N.I. Modern American Literature. Ivano-Frankivsk, 2023. 109 с.
Mintsys, E., Telegina, N. Literary Stylistics and Translation Strategies in Literary Translation. Ivano-Frankivsk, 2024. – 78 p.
Telegina, N., Mintsys, E. Training manual for independent study in English for second year postgraduate students of all specialties. Ivano-Frankivsk, 2024. –132 p.
Practical Course of English (Postgraduate 1st year)
Modern American Literature (Mater’s 1st year)
Theory of Translation (Bachelor’s 2nd year)
E-mail: natalia.telegina@pnu.edu.ua
Тел: +38 0342 596069
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