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Associate Professor |
PhD, Associate Professor
PhD thesis: “Pre-service teachers’ English listening competence development through fiction audiobooks”. Specialty 13.00.02 – Theory and Methods of Teaching (Germanic Languages) (011 – Educational, pedagogical studies)
Scientific interests: methodology of teaching languages and cultures, fictional discourse, psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics, contemporary English literature.
2014-2018 – PhD studies at Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University
2009-2010 – Master’s Degree in English Philology, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University
2008 – Cambridge Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults (CELTA), Language Link London
Professional Development:
2020 – participated in 2020 TESOL-Ukraine National Teacher Development Institute “Teaching Writing as a 21st Century Skill” (16 academic hours) (9-10 January, Lviv, Ukraine).
2020 – successfully completed an 8-week online teacher training course “Methodology for TESOL” delivered by University of Maryland Baltimore County January 7, 2020 – March 3, 2020. The American English (AE) E-Teacher Program
- participated in the International Virtual ELT Web Conference “The Importance of Using Innovative Methods in ELT Classrooms”, 8 July 2020, Oman. Presentation: “Developing 4C skills through mute animated videos in EFL classes”
- participated in National level E-Quiz on “Plagiarism Awareness-Research & Academic Ethics” organized by the Faculty of Doctoral Studies & Research and Faculty of Computer Application in association with Indian Society for Technical Education on 21 July 2020
- participated in Eurodoc Virtual Conference “Open up your science!” 22-23 July 2020, Warsaw
- participated in ChangeMaker 2020 Virtual Conference: Teaching and Learning in Our New Normal, July 14, 2020. Professional Development Credit Hours Earned: Five (5). The Madison Institute, LLC (d.b.a. TMI Education)
2019 – completed the 40-hour Trainer Development course designed and delivered by the British Council Ukraine within the framework of the New Generation School Teacher project (16-21 January, Lviv, Ukraine).
Coursera courses: Ubiquitous Learning and Instructional Technologies (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), University Teaching (The University of Hong Kong), Powerful Tools for Teaching and Learning: Web 2.0 Tools (University of Houston), Successful Presentation (University of Colorado Boulder), Learning to Teach Online (UNSW Sydney (The University of New South Wales)), Mindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Learning and Discover Your Hidden Potential (McMaster University), Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects (McMaster University), Learning How To Learn for Youth (Arizona State University) and others
Additional information:
2008 – Academic IELTS certificate, overall band score 7.0 (University of Westminster IELTS Test CentreUK)
2007 – FCE certificate, B2 (University of Cambridge ESOL ExaminationUK, London Crest Open Centre)
Since 2019 – a member of IATEFL Ukraine
- Bilianska, Iryna (2018) Pre-service Teachers’ English Listening Competence Development Trough Fiction Audiobooks. [Manuscript]. Thesis for a Candidate Degree in Pedagogical Sciences (Germanic Languages). Ternopil: Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University.
- Zadorozhna I, Bilianska, I (2018) Listening to fiction audiobooks. Contemporary short stories. Ternopil: Vektor. 171 p.
- Bilianska I. (2018) The pedagogical sequence for audiobook listening instruction of Ukrainian pre-service teachers. Toronto. March/April Vol. 7, No. 2. P. 80–95.
- Bilianska, I (2019) Developing speech perception skills for better listening comprehension. Educational Horizons. 48 № 1. Ivano-Frankivsk. p. 20-23.
- Practical Course of English, 1st year
- Practical Course of English, 2nd year
- Methods of Teaching English as a Foreign Language (Teaching Listening, Teaching Reading), 3rd year
- Teaching listening through audiobooks, 3rd year
- Pronunciation training, 1st year
1)Listening to fiction audiobooks. Contemporary short stories
2) Listening diary
3) Elements of pronunciation
4) Flash Fiction in EFL Classroom. Workbook. http://lib.pnu.edu.ua:8080/bitstream/123456789/16065/1/Flash%20Fiction.pdf
Тел: +38 0342 596069
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