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Associate Professor |
Personal Data:
Born: 3 June 1969 in Bolekhiv, Ivano-Frankivsk oblast, Ukraine
Citizenship: Ukrainian
Marital Status: married since 1999 to Ruslana Romanyshyn (PhD, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Ukraine)
Children: Yuliia (2000), Olha (2007).
1986-1994 – student of the Faculty of Romance-Germanic Philology at Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian University, Specialty – “Foreign Languages (English and German)”
Scientific Degrees:
Associate Professor of the English Philology Department, Diploma, 2002
PhD in Pedagogy, 1999, Volodymyr Hnatiuk Ternopil National Pedagogical University, Ukraine (thesis “The Formation of Moral Attitudes of Teens in the Conditions of a Micro Society”; Principal Supervisor – Doctor of Psychology, Prof. Lidiia E. Orban)
English Philology Department, Foreign Languages Faculty, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University
Associate Professor, 2001 – present
English Instructor, 1994–2001
Research Interests:
Pedagogy, Language Education, Teacher Education, Methods of Foreign Language Teaching
Current Research:
Postdoctoral Thesis “Theoretical and Methodological Fundamentals of Forming Control and Assessment Competency in Pre-Service Foreign Language Teachers”
Courses at Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine:
– Language Testing and Assessment for Year 4 students
– Introduction to specialty, basics of research activity, and academic integrity for the 1st year students
– Methods of Teaching English as a Foreign Language for the 2nd , 3d & 4th year students
– International English Exams for the Master’s students of German Philology Department
– Practical Course of English for Year 4 students
- The scientific supervisor of Year 4 students’ course papers;
- Leadership of the problem group “Scientific and practical issues of the formation of methodological competency of the pre-service foreign language teacher”
Scientific and Professional Training:
International Historical Biographical Institute (online, Dubai, New York, Rome, Jerusalem, Beijing, 2021).
Norwich Institute of Language Education (Norwich, UK, 2014)
Institute of World Languages (Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 2013)
London Metropolitan University (London, UK, 2012),
Kyiv National Linguistic University (Kyiv, Ukraine, 2010-2011)
Volodymyr Hnatiuk Ternopil National Pedagogical University (Ternopil, Ukraine, 2010)
Yurii Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University (Chernivtsi, Ukraine, 2005)
Other Professional Training:
Online Training “Creating AI-Generated Activities for ELT” (6 тижнів, 30 годин, Electronic Village Online – EVO 2024, 07.01- 18.02.2024)
Online training “Зрозуміло про конфлікт інтересів” (6 год., НАЗК, 12.07.24)
Online training «Вчителі 2.0: онлайн-курс із професійного розвитку і наставництва» (30 годин, платформа «Едюкейшнал Ера», липень 2023)
Online training «Online education: The foundations of online teaching» (Macquarie University, Australia, платформа Coursera, 01.05.2023)
Online training “Professional Development for Teacher Trainers”, Online Professional English Network (27.09– 21.11.2022);
Online training “TESOL Methodology MOOC 2021”, Online Professional English Network (5.07.– 10.08.2021);
Online training “Expert in Educational Programs Accreditation”, MOOC Prometheus (02.11–12.11.2021)
80-hour online course Prometheus “Countering and preventing bullying (harassment) in educational institutions” (26.03.2020); 18-hour program of distance training “I do it this way” on the organization of distance learning by means of “G Suite for Education” (Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Department of Mathematics and Informatics and Teaching Methods) (22-27.04.2020); 60-hour online course Prometheus “Educational tools for critical thinking” (05.04.2020); 60-hour online course Prometheus “Media Literacy for Educators” (05.04.2020); 12-hour online course Future Learn “Language Assessment in the Classroom”, British Council (04.06. 2020); 20-hour online course “Exam Strategies From A to Z”, British Council (25.10.2020)
British Council Ukraine-IATEFL Ukraine Summer/ Winter Professional Development School (2013, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019), 30-hour training within the framework of the MoPED project (2019), Сamp L.E.A.D University, Volodymyr Hnatiuk Ternopil National pedagogical University (2019); E-moderator Essentials: Synchronious e-moderating (British Council, 2015); Special Educational Needs On-line Course (British Council Ukraine, 2015); Teaching English e-Moderators Course (British Council Turkey, Istanbul, 2010); Professional Development (Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, 2010); Learning Technologies for the Classroom (British Council Ukraine, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, 2009); Training of Test Item Writers (Ukrainian Centre for Education Quality Evaluation-USETI, Kyiv, 2008-2009); Training of Ukrainian Specialists in Language Testing and Assessment (British Council Ukraine, Kyiv, 2006-2007), English for Specific Purposes (British Council Ukraine, Lviv, 2005), New Methods and Practices of TESOL (Lesia Ukrainka Volyn State University (Lutsk, Ukraine, 1996).
Administrative Job:
Director of the Educational Program “Secondary Education (English Language and Literature)” for Bachelor’s students
Member of the Council for Quality Insurance of the Precarpathian University
Member of the Scientific and Methodical Council of the Faculty of Foreign Languages
Coordinator of the joint project of the British Council Ukraine and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine “New Generation School Teacher” (2015-2019)
The Scientific Secretary of the Scientific Council of the Foreign Languages Faculty of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University (2009-2011)
Head of the International Relations Department, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University (2002-2006)
Deputy Dean, Foreign Languages Faculty, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University (2000-2002).
ATFL-Ukraine (since 2018).
Teacher Training:
Courses at Ivano-Frankivsk Regional INSETT Institute:
-Teaching English as a Foreign Language
-Continuing Professional Development
Languages: Ukrainian (native), English (fluent), Russian (fluent), German (speak and read).
Computer Skills:
Profound knowledge of Microsoft Office programs, Moodle and Adobe Connect learning/teaching platforms; AI apps.
The number of published works – 93, including 60 articles and abstracts, 1 dictionary, 33 manuals.
Chief Editor of the International Conference Proceedings “Teaching Foreign Languages in Ukraine and Beyond: Best Practices and Challenges,” March 21-22, 2019, Ivano-Frankivsk: NAIR, 320 s. ISBN 978-966-2716-34-4
Main Publications (2020-2024) (transliterated):
Romanyshyn, I., & Freiuk, I. (2024). Implementing Learner Autonomy in English as a Foreign Language Classroom Through a Flipped Classroom Pedagogical Approach. Journal of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, 11(3), 26–35. https://doi.org/10.15330/jpnu.11.3.26-35
Romanyshyn, I. M., Samborsʹka, O. V., & Khmilʹ, N. A. (2024). Efektyvnistʹ vykorystannya virtualʹnoyi ta dopovnenoyi realʹnosti u profesiyniy pidhotovtsi maybutnikh pedahohiv. Pedahohichna Akademiya: naukovi zapysky, (5). https://doi.org/10.57125/pedacademy.2024.04.29.01
Prohrama vyrobnychoyi praktyky II (vchytelʹ-praktykant): [navch. vyd. dlya stud. spetsialʹnosti 014.02 Serednya osvita. Mova ta zarubizhna literatura (anhliysʹka)] / Rozrobnyk: I.M. Romanyshyn. Vyd. 2-e, vypr. i dop. Elektronne vydannya (obsyah 1,26 MB). Ivano-Frankivsʹk: Prykarpat·sʹkyy natsionalʹnyy universytet imeni Vasylya Stefanyka, 2024. 45 s.·
Romanyshyn I.M. Vykorystannya shtuchnoho intelektu v inshomovniy osviti: perevahy i vyklyky // Society — Science — Innovation. Abstracts of the 72th International scientific and practical conference. Primedia E-launch LLC, USA, San Francisco. 2024. Pp. 43- 48. URL: http://el-conf.com.ua/·
Romanyshyn I.M., Chukhno, T. V., & Fyysa, N. V. (2023). Transformatsiya metodiv navchannya y vykladannya anhliysʹkoyi movy u vyshchiy shkoli: vykorystannya shtuchnoho intelektu, analiz vplyvu, perspektyvy. Akademichni viziyi, Vypusk 24/2023. Vylucheno iz https://academy-vision.org/index.php/av/article/view/645 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10023920
Ihor Romanyshyn, Svitlana Yatsiv. The method of forming junior high school EFL learners’ competence in listening to and reading texts / Гірська школа Українських Карпат. Наукове фахове видання з педагогічних наук. №26(2022). 145-151. https://journals.pnu.edu.ua/index.php/msuc/issue/view/303/Whole%20issue
Romanyshyn I.M. Osoblyvosti metodychnoyi pidhotovky maybutnikh uchyteliv anhliysʹkoyi movy v umovakh pandemiyi COVID-19 / Materialy zvitnoyi naukovoyi vebkonferentsiyi vykladachiv, doktorantiv, aspirantiv universytetu za 2021 rik Prykarpat·sʹkoho natsionalʹnoho universytetu imeni Vasylya Stefanyka, 4–5 kvitnya 2022 r., m. Ivano-Frankivsʹk. Elektronne vydannya. Ivano-Frankivsʹk : Prykarpat. nats. un-t im. V. Stefanyka, 2022. S. 25-26.
Vstup do spetsialʹnosti, osnovy naukovo-pedahohichnykh doslidzhenʹ i akademichna dobrochesnistʹ: Navchalʹno-metodychnyy posibnyk / Rozrobnyk: I.M. Romanyshyn. Elektronne vydannya (Obʺyem: 1,37 MB). Ivano-Frankivsʹk : «NAIR», 2022. 70 s. Prohrama navchalʹnoyi praktyky II (kerovane sposterezhennya) : Navchalʹne vydannya dlya spetsialʹnosti 014 Serednya osvita, spetsializatsiyi 014.021 – anhliysʹka mova i literatura / Rozrobnyk: I.M. Romanyshyn. Vyd. 2-e, vypr. i dop. Elektronne vydannya (obsyah 1,25 MB). Ivano-Frankivsʹk : Prykarpat·sʹkyy natsionalʹnyy universytet imeni Vasylya Stefanyka, 2022. 42 s.
Konovalenko, T. V., Yivzhenko, Y. V., Demianenko, N. B., Romanyshyn, I. M., & Yemelyanova, Y. S.(2021). The possibilities of using distance learning in the professional training of a future foreign language teacher. Linguistics and Culture Review, 5(S2), 817- 830. https://doi.org/10.37028/lingcure.v5nS2.1423 Scopus
Yuliia Zahrebniuk, Vasyl Zheliaskov, Ihor Romanyshyn, Nonna Varekh, Polina Yakymenko, Uliana Bylytsia. Methodological Fundamentals Of Application Of Competencies For Teachers Of Foreign Languages / International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, VOL.21 No.11, Nov 30, 2021. Pp. 328-332. https://doi.org/10.22937/IJCSNS.2021.21.11.44 Web of Science
Romanyshyn I.M.Dystantsiyne navchannya maybutnikh uchyteliv anhliysʹkoyi movy z vykorystannyam pidkhodu «perevernutyy klas» / Materialy zvitnoyi naukovoyi vebkonferentsiyi vykladachiv, doktorantiv, aspirantiv universytetu za 2020 rik DVNZ «Prykarpatsʹkyy natsionalʹnyy universytet imeni Vasylya Stefanyka», 5–9 kvitnya 2021 r., m. Ivano-Frankivsʹk. Elektronne vydannya. Ivano-Frankivsʹk : Prykarpat. nats. un-t im. V. Stefanyka, 2021. S. 60-62
Romanyshyn, Yu., & Romanyshyn, I.DEVELOPING EFL 8TH GRADERSʺ LEARNER AUTONOMY THROUGH PROJECT WORK / Priorytetni napryamky ta vektory rozvytku svitovoyi nauky: materialy I Mizhnarodnoyi student·sʹkoyi naukovoyi konferentsiyi (T.2), m. Mykolayiv, 21 travnya, 2021 r. / Molodizhna naukova liha.— Vinnytsya: Yevropeysʹka naukova platforma, 2021. 104-106. DOI: https://doi.org/10.36074/liga-21.05.2021. Vylucheno iz https://ojs.ukrlogos.in.ua/index.php/liga/article/view/12769
Demchuk, Y., & Romanyshyn, I.STRATEGIES FOR ENSURING EQUAL PARTICIPATION OF EFL GRADE 8 STUDENTS DURING GROUP WORK / Priorytetni napryamky ta vektory rozvytku svitovoyi nauky: materialy I Mizhnarodnoyi student·sʹkoyi naukovoyi konferentsiyi (T.2), m. Mykolayiv, 21 travnya, 2021 r. / Molodizhna naukova liha.— Vinnytsya: Yevropeysʹka naukova platforma, 2021. 107-109. DOI: https://doi.org/10.36074/liga-21.05.2021. Vylucheno iz https://ojs.ukrlogos.in.ua/index.php/liga/article/view/12767;
Lesiv, Y., & Romanyshyn, I.IMPROVING EFL GRADE 7 STUDENTS’ SPEAKING SKILLS THROUGH STORYTELLING / Priorytetni napryamky ta vektory rozvytku svitovoyi nauky: materialy I Mizhnarodnoyi student·sʹkoyi naukovoyi konferentsiyi (T.2), m. Mykolayiv, 21 travnya, 2021 r. / Molodizhna naukova liha.— Vinnytsya: Yevropeysʹka naukova platforma, 2021. 110-112. DOI: https://doi.org/10.36074/liga-21.05.2021. Vylucheno iz https://ojs.ukrlogos.in.ua/index.php/liga/article/view/12768;
Hoshylyk, M., & Romanyshyn, I. WAYS TO ENHANCE THE EFFICIENCY OF COOPERATIVE LEARNING OF 10-TH GRADE STUDENTS / Priorytetni napryamky ta vektory rozvytku svitovoyi nauky: materialy I Mizhnarodnoyi student·sʹkoyi naukovoyi konferentsiyi (T.2), m. Mykolayiv, 21 travnya, 2021 r. / Molodizhna naukova liha.— Vinnytsya: Yevropeysʹka naukova platforma, 2021. 116-118. DOI: https://doi.org/10.36074/liga-21.05.2021. Vylucheno iz https://ojs.ukrlogos.in.ua/index.php/liga/article/view/12768;
Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages and Cultures: ClassroomManagement (Activity Book for Year 2 Students) : [praktykum z metodyky navchannya inozemnykh mov i kulʹtur dlya studentiv 2-ho kursu spetsialʹnosti 014.02 Serednya osvita (Mova i literatura (anhliysʹka))] / Rozrobnyk: I.M. Romanyshyn. Elektronne vydannya (Obʺyem: 2,52 MB). Ivano-Frankivsʹk: NAIR, 2021. 80 s.
Ihor Romanyshyn.Teacher educator’s perceptions of the ELT Methodology course content sufficiency: action research / Osvitni obrii. Тom 50. №1(2020). 102-110.
Typova prohrama“Metodyka navchannya anhliysʹkoyi movy”. Osvitniy stupinʹ bakalavra. (2020). [Core Curriculum. English Language Teaching Methodology. Bachelor’s Level]. Ivano-Frankivsk: NAIR. 126 с.
Language Testing and Assessment for the 4th year students majoring in Secondary Education. English Language and Foreign Literature
Introduction to specialty, basics of research activity, and academic integrity for the 1st year students majoring in Secondary Education. English Language and Foreign Literature
Methods of Teaching English as a Foreign Language for the 2nd , 3d & 4th year students majoring in Secondary Education. English Language and Foreign Literature
International English Exams for the Master’s students of the German Philology Department
Practical Course of English for the 4th year students majoring in Secondary Education. English Language and Foreign Literature
E-mail: ihor.romanyshyn@pnu.edu.ua
Теl: +38 0342 596069
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