Dear Friends,
We are excited to invite you to the redesigned International Conferences on Sustainable Development, organized by Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University and NGO “Sustainable Development Landmarks” (Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine) in partnership with the English Philology Department and under the support of UNDP in Ukraine!
Please, follow the LINK to register to:
>> SDL 2022 – The 2nd Virtual International Smart Conference on Sustainable Development;
>> SEVIC 2022 – The 2nd Virtual International Smart Conference on Sustainable Education;
>> SF 2022 – The 2nd International Smart Forum on Sustainable Development “Sustainability Facets: Sustainable Tourism”.
Alongside the exceptional productivity and distinctive impact, the innovative “smart” format offers the UNPRECEDENTED TIMING FLEXIBILITY:
(1) multiple events are scattered within a year beating the traditional Conferences’ tiresome and time consuming 2-3 days format;
(2) the Conference events are arranged during the late afternoon and early evening (EET; morning in the USA and Canada);
(3) the Conference events have quite a moderate discussion-oriented timing.
(1) keeping pace with the constantly changing world;
(2) efficient networking and strengthening professional ties;
(3) promising collaboration with like-minded experts in the field;
(4) having a chance to communicate with at least 8 notable Keynote Speakers (per Conference) addressing Economic, Environmental, and Social Sustainability;
(5) certified participation in at least 2 webinars (per Conference);
(6) certified participation in at least 2 round tables (per Conference);
(7) publishing a paper in an open-access Scopus/WoS Journal with 50% co-financing.
The working language is ENGLISH. Participation is FREE.
Contact: Volodymyr Goshylyk, Director of NGO “Sustainable Development Landmarks”; +380506752588 (Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram),
Looking forward to seeing you at the Conferences