Nataliia Goshylyk


Associate Professor

ProfileCourses TaughtPublicationsContacts

Nataliia Goshylyk studied English Philology at Lesia Ukrainka Volyn National University in Lutsk. In 2011 she got her PhD degree in linguistics from Kharkiv National University named after V. Karazin (Ukraine), her thesis entitled “Lexical Representation of Time in the English Language and Media Discourse”. She became Associate Professor of English in 2014.

Her fields of research are: Cognitive Linguistics, Theory and Practice of Intercultural Communication, Ecolinguistics, Media Literacy, Academic Integrity, Methods of Foreign Language Teaching.

Nataliia Goshylyk was Erasmus Mundus Ianus II Grantee (academic mobility scholarship), research at the Graz University, Austria (under the supervision of Prof. A. Fill) (2015).

In 2020 she  had trainings “Curriculum Development Seminar”, “Content and Language Integrated Learning for Tertiary Education”, “Media Literacy Course Design” Narva College of Tartu University, Estonia  (Erasmus+ KA2 “Foreign Language Teacher Training Capacity Development as a Way to Ukraine’s Multilingual Education and European Integration”).

Since 2019 she is the Head of the academic group of Precarpathian University at Erasmus+ KA2 “Foreign Language Teacher Training Capacity Development as a Way to Ukraine’s Multilingual Education and European Integration” – MultiEd project.

Since 2019 she is the Regional Coordinator of IREX in Ukraine (International Research and Exchange Board), Learn2Discern Program.

Nataliia Goshylyk is a representative of Ukraine on the Steering Group of the Ecolinguistics Association (since 2015), a member of TESOL-Ukraine, PACL (Polish Association of Cognitive Linguistics), “Sustainable Development Landmarks”. She is co-founder and director of NGO “Center for Communication Research” (since 2017).

Theory of Intercultural Communication,


Media Literacy,

English Course,

Practical Grammar.

Selected Publications:

The number of published works – 60 papers, including 1 book (monograph), 7 manuals (1 approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine).


Гошилик Н.С. Прототипна когнітивна модель предметної ситуації сталості (sustainability). Вісник Запорізького національного університету. Філологічні науки. № 2, 2020.

Goshylyk N. Implementing Advertising Persuasive Strategies in the EFL Classroom for Promoting Media-Literacy. Book of 2020 TESOL-Ukraine National Convention Papers / Comp. S. Zubenko. Eds. S. Zubenko, L. Kuznetsova. Львів: ПП «Марусич», 2020. P. 238.

Goshylyk N., Goshylyk V. PATH and CYCLE: Image Schemas of Time in the Narrative Mode of Media Discourse. Time and Language. Les Cahiers Linguatek, № 7-8, 2020.

Гошилик Н.С., Мельник Н.Я. фреймова модель концепту ALGORITHM (на матеріалі ІТ-дискурсу серіалу “Silicon Valley”) // Закарпатські філологічні студії. –  2019. – № 12. – С. 59-63.

Гошилик Н. С., Дроняк С. В. Фреймова модель концепту CLIMATE ZONE (на матеріалі статей екологічного блогу Yale Environment 360) // Науковий вісник Міжнародного гуманітарного університету. Серія «Філологія». – 2019. – Вип. 41. – Т. 1. – С. 175-279.

Goshylyk N. Metaphors We Sustain By: Multimodal Conceptualization in Environmental Cartoons. Books of Abstracts. 4th International Conference on Ecolinguistics, 2019, Odense, Denmark.

Гошилик Н., Себій М. Концептуальний стиль Прем’єр-міністра Канади Джастіна Трюдо. Канадознавство: суспільство, культура, мова : кол. моногр. – Canadian Studies: Society, Culture, Language : Сollective Monograph. – Луцьк : Вежа-Друк, 2019. – с. 10-20

Goshylyk N. “Small is Beautiful” in the English Mass Media Texts on Sustainable Development. AAA – Arbeiten aus Anglistik und Amerikanistik, Band 42, 2017. – pp. 141-158.

Гошилик Н.С. Дискурсотвірна роль концептуальних метафор з референтом ЧАС : еколінгвістичний підхід / Н.С. Гошилик // Вісник Харк. нац. ун-ту імені В.Н. Каразіна. – 2014. – № 1103. – С. 12-17.

Гошилик Н.С. Схемні образи часу в сучасній англійській мові : Монографія / Наталія Гошилик. – Івано-Франківськ : НАЇР, 2013. – 220 с.

Гошилик В.Б., Гошилик Н.С. Films and Short Videos in the EFL Classroom. – Івано-Франківськ, 2013. – 112 с. – 2 електрон. опт. диски [DVD-ROM]. – Англ. мовою. (Схвалено МОН України)